Great custom software is
built by great team

We help build and manage a team of world-class developers to bring your vision to life

Stable, secure, and scalable

code starts here


Custom Software Development Services

Solve your unique business challenges by building custom applications.

Application Development Services

Improve your time to market and quality with our app development services.

Software Testing Services

Confidently deliver software faster with our robust QA processes.

AI/ML Development Services

USe machine learning to build intelligent AI-driven apps.

Leading companies trust us to

develop software

We add development capacity to tech teams. Our value Isn’t limited to building teams but is equally distributed across the project lifecycle. We are a custom software development company that guarantees the successful delivery of your project.

Trusted by 100+ happy clients including these Fortune companies

Our recent case studies

  • Building EV charging platform to revolutionize the way we power

    ...clean and quiet on-site power to substitute or supplement the use of diesel generators for a varirty of remote power needs...

  • Improving the online web experience for International Hockey Federation (FIH)

    …increased user engagement, usability, discoverability, while providing modern user experience (UX)…

  • Helping luxury shoe brand go digital

    …take customized orders by applying various combinations of fabrics, motifs, and monograms based on the customer's preferences…

  • Helping retailers modernize shopping experience

    …solving the multi-billion dollar problem of faster checkouttimes, customer loyalty programs, and deeper analytics...

  • Shortcut to get featured on Redbull website

    ...custom scalable solution that can easily accommodate their event engagement needs…


Banno technologies's way of building great software

Build the right team to scale

Finding the right talent is not easy. We help you find the talent that suits your needs, follows your processes, and sticks with you long term (not the case with freelancers).

Our delivery model helps you cut costs and deliver within budget.


Quick time to market gives you an edge

Faster delivery time gives companies an edge that most can’t easily replicate. Our rapid iteration + early feedback model helps our clients get to market quickly.

In fact, most investors look for this ability to execute quickly as a key factor when investing as failing fast and learning quickly is critical for success.

image Goal driven approach to development.
image Quick iterations and feedback cycle.
image Results driven engagement model.

It all starts with code & architecture

Software architecture is defined as designing parts that are hard to change later. We categorize all work as either “offensive” or “defensive.”

Offensive work is an effort towards delivering things quickly that noticeably advance the value of a product.

Defensive work is an effort aimed at the long- term health of a product (e.g., code refactoring, feature rewrites, or, data migration) and to avoid technical debt.


Adopting your process with agility

While other agencies may appear less expensive on an hourly basis, we believe that they cut corners in their development process and therefore pass on hidden risks and costs to clients.

We match, adopt, and collaborate with clients to improve processes and quality standards.


Oue design anddevelopment approach

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    UX Driven Engineering

    Unlike other companies, we are a UX first development company. Projects are driven by designers and they make sure design and experiences translate to code.

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    Developing Shared Understanding

    No.1 reason for project failures is the communication gap. With structured communication processes, we try to build shared understanding between developers, team members, and stakeholders.

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    Proven Experience and Expertise

    Building good software is hard. We have the know-how, proven experience, and expertise in both enterprise and startups that not many people have. This helps you avoid risks of failure.  

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    Security & Intellectual Property (IP)

    We take security and IP protection very seriously. That's why we follow enterprise-wide processes to build secure development, testing, and deployment environments.

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    Code Reviews

    Writing quality code that is easy to understand, navigate, and adopt to is critical to us. We have a detailed code design and review process to make sure the code quality and standard stay on par.

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    Quality Assurance & Testing

    While no software is bug-free, we follow ATDD & TDD to ensure QA is given front seat whiledeveloping. This focus on test cases and acceptance criteria make sure many iterations are avoided.

Tech stacks

How development throughBanno technologies works

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    Assemble the right team

    We handle all aspects of vetting and choosing the right team that you don't have the time, expertise, or desire to do.
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    Sprint planning

    Sprint roadmap is a collective planning effort. Team members collaborate to clarify items and ensure shared understanding.
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    Tech architecture

    We break monolithic apps into microservices. Decoupling the code allows teams to move faster and more independently.
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    Iterative delivery

    We divide the implementation process into several checkpoints rather than a single deadline.
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    Code reviews

    Code reviews before release help detect issues like memory leaks, file leaks, performance signs, and general bad smells.
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    Standups & weekly demos

    Standups, weekly demos, and weekly reviews make sure everyone is on the same page and can raise their concerns.

Banno technologies Guarantee

We know that if the client’s project launches smoothly, they’ll come backfor more. We're willing to over-invest in guaranteeing results, rather than under-invest to make our financial reports look pretty in the short-run.
We offer discovery period of two weeks , wherein we evaluate and understand your problem statement to design and create the solution for you.
Hire the best developers and designers around!